Occupational Asthma Reference

Cavagna G, Sensitising effect of an extract of tamarind seeds used in sizing in weaving, Med Lav, 1966;57:241-248,


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The author reports the results of a study in the weaving department of a wool factory, where some case of bronchitis and asthma had occurred; these were related to the use of a size made of flour of tamarind seeds. It was possible to demonstrate that 9 workers (about 1% of the workers of the department) presented asthmatic attecks every time they went back to work. Out of these 9 workers, 8 presented intradermoreaction to extracts obtained both from the size and from the tamarind seed; this demonstrates an allergic reaction to substances present in the seeds. The sensitising substance seems to be contained in a polysaccharide fraction extractable by boiling.

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