Occupational Asthma Reference

Cathcart M, Nicholson P, Roberts D, Bazley M, Juniper C, Murray P, Randell M, Enzyme exposure, smoking and lung function in employees in the detergent industry over 20 years. Medical Subcommittee of the UK Soap and Detergent Industry Association, Occup Med (London), 1997;47:473-478,

Keywords: enzyme, smoking, detergent, UK, soap, key, surveillance, IgE, am

Known Authors

Paul Nicholson, Procter And Gamble Occupational Health Paul Nicholson

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This study was undertaken to examine the long term relationship between lung function, smoking and exposure to enzymes in the detergent industry. A total of 731 male workers from five locations in the United Kingdom were subject to respiratory health surveillance including lung function testing over a period of 4-20 years. Exposure groups were defined by job history. Significantly different rates of fall in FEV1 and FVC with time were found by geographical location and by smoking habit, but there were no consistent trends with enzyme exposure

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