Occupational Asthma Reference

Alberts WM, Brooks SM, Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome. [Review], Curr Opin Pulm Med, 1996;2:104-110,

Keywords: USA, asthma, irritant, review, epidemiology, rads

Known Authors

Stuart Brooks, University of South Florida Stuart Brooks

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Two types of occupational asthma have been identified and are distinguished by whether they appear after a latency period. Asthma without a latency period is best illustrated by irritant-induced asthma. The reactive airways dysfunction syndrome is a subset of irritant-induced asthma. Although case reports appeared in the literature before 1985, the term reactive airways dysfunction syndrome was coined in 1985. Since that report a number of case reports of asthma-like illnesses developing as the direct consequence of massive toxic inhalation exposure have been published. Not all experts, however, are certain that reactive airways dysfunction syndrome is a real and distinct clinical entity. Most studies and reviews, although acknowledging the current gap in our knowledge of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and pathologic findings, conclude that the available scientific evidence supports the conclusion that reactive airways dysfunction syndrome and irritant-induced asthma are valid disorders.

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