Occupational Asthma Reference

VuDuc T, Huynh CK, Savolainen H, Do the isocyanate monomer standards still protect against attacks of occupational asthma? Should a standard including polyisocyanates be evolved?, Schweiz Med Wochenschr, 1997;Journal Su:2000-2007,

Keywords: isocyanate, standard, oa, polyisocyanate, Switzerland, HDI, exposure, prepolymer, incidence, prevention

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Field surveys of diisocyanates at the workplaces in Switzerland and particularly in car repair shops, where HDI was the most used, showed that the monomer levels comply with the Swiss permissible exposure limit (PEL) in the great number of situations. Cases of medical surveillance associated with industrial hygiene measurements demonstrate that occupational asthma was also observed in situations where the monomer concentrations are low although high peaks of prepolymers are often recorded. From the statistical data on compensations, the annual incidence of occupational asthma over the period 1988 to 1992 remains around 54 cases with a mean cost of 21,000 sFr. per case per year. It is suggested that a PEL on the prepolymers should be introduced in the Swiss PEL list to enhance the efficiency of prevention policy.

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