Occupational Asthma Reference

Chacin B, Corzo G, Montiel M, Lung function in workers in a chicken slaughterhouse in the city of Maracaibo, Venezuela [Spanish], Invest Clin, 1997;38:171-190,

Keywords: ep, chicken, avian, exposure, prevalence, abattoir

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In order to evaluate the respiratory health status in workers exposed to antigenic substances (chicken feathers, serum and dropping), typical of usual practice in the avian slaughter-house, pulmonary function was studied on 49 exposed workers, and in a sample of 49 people with similar anthropometric characteristics, non exposed to these substances, by means of occupational-medical history, spirometric tests, hematologic and biochemical tests, and postero-anterior chest x-rays. The values for the spirometric parameters varied with sex, age, weight, size, smoking habits, length of employment and exposure time, and there were no significant differences between exposed and control groups as a whole; showing significant differences with decreasing values for CVF, VEF1, PFE, FEF-25% and FEF-50% in the intermediate zone workers, and in subjects with short exposure time (< 1 year). Prevalence of clinical findings in the exposed population was significantly higher than the non exposed group (p < 0.001). Laboratory tests showed reduction of monocytes cells in the exposed group (p < 0.05) in addition, in the exposed women there was an increase of the eosinophiles, total proteins and globulines (p < 0.05). The frequency of radiographic findings was significantly higher in the exposed group (p < 0.006), and they were no specific. The lack of association between clinical findings, laboratory and radiographic findings, with the spirometric results, could be explained by the short period of exposure, individual and collectives hygienic conditions and size of the sample

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