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Occupational Asthma Reference

Tabar AI, Alvarez MJ, Acero S, Olaguibel JM, Garcia BE, Quirce S, Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome: two case reports, Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clini, 1998;8:119-122,
(Plain text: Tabar AI, Alvarez MJ, Acero S, Olaguibel JM, Garcia BE, Quirce S, Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome: two case reports, Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical)

Keywords: Spain, case report, rads

Known Authors

Santiago Quirce, Madrid Santiago Quirce

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Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) is a type of asthma that develops in subjects without prior pulmonary disease, following single or multiple exposure to high levels of nonimmunogenic irritants. The main difference from classic occupational asthma is the absence of a latency period. Non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness is characteristic of the disease and usually persists after cessation of exposure. We report the cases of two subjects in whom RADS developed after occupational exposure to irritants

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