Occupational Asthma Reference

RaulfHeimsoth M, Baur X, Pathomechanisms and pathophysiology of isocyanate-induced diseases--summary of present knowledge. [Review], Am J Industr Med, 1998;34:137-143,

Keywords: Germany, oa, mechanism, isocyanate, review

Known Authors

Xaver Baur, Institute of occupational medicine, Hamburg Xaver Baur

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During recent years in Western countries, diisocyanates are one of the main causes of occupational asthma. The mechanism of diisocyanate-induced asthma is still unknown but recent evidence suggests immunological mechanisms, including cell-mediated immune responses. Immune responses to isocyanates may result in different illnesses, cell- and/or antibody-mediated entities. In addition, irritative, toxic, and mutagenic effects may occur. This review summarizes current knowledge of the pathomechanisms, including immunological and nonimmunological (mutagenic and genotoxic) aspects of isocyanate disorders.

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