Occupational Asthma Reference

Choudat D, Occupational lung diseases among dental technicians., Tubercle & Lung Disease, 1994;75:99-104,

Keywords: dental technician, silica, plastic, pneumoconiosis, prevalence, cigarette, cancer, mesothelioma, review

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Dental technicians are exposed to various dusts including silica, alloys, and acrylic plastics which may induce pneumoconiosis and probably other occupational lung diseases. The prevalence of pneumoconiosis is very high and related to the duration of exposure: 3 epidemiological studies have found a prevalence of pneumoconiosis 1/0 or greater of about 15% in technicians with 20 or more years' exposure. However, silica is probably not the sole causative agent. In addition to pneumoconiosis, this occupational exposure may induce minor lung function impairment, especially among smokers. However, the effect of cigarette smoking on lung function is greater than the effect of occupational exposure. Cases of occupational asthma, bronchial cancer and mesothelioma, and connective tissue diseases have been reported and are suspected to be work related, but epidemiological studies are needed. Pneumoconiosis is a frequent risk among dental technicians and compensation should be paid to those suffering from this work-related disease. Information about occupational lung diseases and adequate technical prevention measures are necessary for dental technicians. [References: 45]

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