Occupational Asthma Reference

Reilly MJ, Rosenman KD, Watt FC, Schill D, Stanbury M, Trimbath LS, Romero Jajosky RA, Musgrave KJ, Castellan RM, Bang KM, et al, Surveillance for occupational asthma--Michigan and New Jersey, 1988-1992, MMWR CDC Surveill Summ, 1994;43:9-17,

Keywords: oa, surveillance, sensor, USA, isocyanate

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A case of occupational asthma is a sentinel health event indicating a need for preventive intervention.


As part of the Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risks (SENSOR) Program, initiated by CDC's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in 1987, state-based surveillance and intervention programs for occupational asthma (OA) have been under development in Michigan and New Jersey. The initial 5-year projects in these states have been completed.

From 1988 through 1992, the SENSOR programs in these states identified a total of 535 cases of occupational asthma and related conditions. Of these 535 cases, 328 cases met the SENSOR surveillance case definition for OA. In addition, 128 cases were classified as possible OA, 42 as reactive airways dysfunction syndrome, and 37 as occupationally aggravated asthma. In both Michigan and New Jersey, manufacturing was the industrial sector with the largest proportion of cases. In Michigan, > 40% of the case-patients worked in transportation equipment manufacturing. In New Jersey, 15% of case-patients worked in manufacturing of chemicals and allied products. Overall, isocyanates were the most frequently reported asthma-causing agents (19.4% of cases). Follow-up industrial hygiene sampling measured suspect agents at airborne concentrations generally below the permissible exposure limits established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

In its first 5 years, the SENSOR system has led to the identification of previously unrecognized causes of occupational asthma. Overall findings indicate the need for more comprehensive control of such well-known occupational allergens as the isocyanates. In addition, SENSOR interventions have prompted improvements in protection for workers.

Approaches to state-based surveillance and intervention for OA are being developed through newly funded 5-year SENSOR projects in four states (California, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New Jersey). The goal is to develop a model for effective state-based OA surveillance that can be applied by any state health department

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