Occupational Asthma Reference

Losada E, Lazaro M, Marcos C, Quirce S, Fraj J, Davila I, Igea JM, SanchezCano M, Immediate allergy to natural latex: clinical and immunological studies, Allergy Proc, 1992;13:115-120,

Keywords: oa, latex, urticaria, pt, IgE, as

Known Authors

Santiago Quirce, Madrid Santiago Quirce

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Since 1979 several reports of contact urticaria due to natural latex have been documented. In recent years cases of anaphylaxis, rhinitis, and asthma due to latex have appeared. Nine patients, studied in our clinic between 1986-1991, suffered immediate allergic reactions caused by rubber products. All showed an immediate skin reaction to latex extract. Rub testing with surgical gloves was positive in eight patients. Immunological techniques (RAST, ELISA, HRT) demonstrated specific IgE against latex. Specific bronchial provocation testing was performed in one patient who presented with asthma when she used latex surgical gloves. Patch testing to common rubber additives were negative in our patients. These results suggest that natural latex antigens present in rubber objects can cause hypersensitivity reactions probably due to IgE-mediated mechanisms

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