Occupational Asthma Reference

SluisCremer GK, Hnizdo E, du Toit RS, Evidence for an amphibole asbestos threshold exposure for asbestosis assessed by autopsy in South African asbestos miners, Ann Occup Hyg, 1990;34:443-451,

Keywords: asbestos, asbestosis, miner, am

Known Authors

Eva Hnizdo, NIOSH Eva Hnizdo

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In an attempt to determine whether there exists a threshold asbestos dose below which asbestosis does not occur, data on 807 men who had worked on amphibole asbestos mines and undergone autopsy were analysed. When exposure was expressed as fibre-years no asbestosis was found at autopsy when exposure was up to 2 fibre-years, even after 31-45 years of residence time. In the group exposed to greater than 2-5 fibre-years asbestosis was found. When exposure was expressed as average fibre concentration asbestosis occurred below 2 fibres per ml (f ml-1) and the prevalence increased with residence time. In conclusion, if a threshold dose for asbestosis does exist it is at approximately 2 fibre-years if off-shift exposure is ignored

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