Occupational Asthma Reference

Alessandri MV, Baretta L, Magarotto G, Chronic bronchitis and respiratory function in those employed in primary aluminum production. [Italian], Med Lav, 1992;83:445-450,

Keywords: oa, chronic bronchitis, alumina, aluminium, sm, pft, potroom

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A study was carried out on a group of 323 workers of a primary aluminium production plant located in Porto Marghera (Italy) in order to assess the prevalence of chronic bronchitis and respiratory function alterations, compared with the general working population of the same industrial area. The results showed a higher prevalence of chronic bronchitis (5.6% compared with 2.6%) and a greater reduction in vital capacity but only in the non-smokers (5.4% compared with 1.7%). The highest prevalence of chronic bronchitis (20%) and reduced vital capacity (27%) was observed in the rodding section. The frequency of bronchial obstruction was similar to that observed in potroom and casting workers

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