Occupational Asthma Reference

Savonius B, Keskinen H, Tuppurainen M, Kanerva L, Occupational respiratory disease caused by acrylates, Clin Exp Allergy, 1993;23:416-424,

Keywords: acrylate, oa, rh, fu, as , pt, cyanoacrylate, methylcyanoacrylate, triethylendimethacrylate, isobutylmethacrylate, acrylic acid, Trihydroxymethylpropyltriacrylate, hydroxypropylacrylate, ch, electronics, glue, ink, dental technician, nc, Finland, glass maker, windscreen, paper, dentist

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Acrylates are compounds used in a variety of industrial fields and their use is increasing. They have many features which make them superior to formerly used chemicals, regarding both their industrial use and their possible health effects. Contact sensitization is, however, one of their well known adverse health effects but they may also cause respiratory symptoms. We report on 18 cases of respiratory disease, mainly asthma, caused by different acrylates, 10 cases caused by cyanoacrylates, four by methacrylates and two cases by other acrylates.

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