Occupational Asthma Reference

Cohen AJ, Forse MS, Tarlo SM, Occupational asthma caused by pectin inhalation during the manufacture of jam, Chest, 1993;103:309-311,

Keywords: oa, pectin, food, nc, peak flow, case report, rh, br, pt

Known Authors

Susan Tarlo, Toronto Susan Tarlo

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We report a case of pectin-induced occupational asthma in a 35-year-old man. His job involved mixing powdered pectin into a fruit puree during the manufacture of jam. Within minutes of adding pectin, he developed coryza, rhinorrhea, coughing, and wheezing. His symptoms cleared during weekends while away from work and improved with the use of a protective face mask at work. Peak flow rates were significantly lower while at work compared with those at home, and a prick skin test with the pectin powder was positive. We conclude that pectin should be added to the list of the substances known to induce occupational asthma

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