Occupational Asthma Reference

Block JT, Young M, Asthma induced by nickel, JAMA, 1982;247:1600-1602,

Keywords: nickel, metal polisher, case report, polisher, pt

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NICKEL allergy manifest as contact dermatitis has long been recognized. In 1971 McConnell et al1 reported asthma due to nickel sulfate in a metal-plate worker; a bronchoprovocation challenge test with nickel sulfate duplicated the patient's symptoms, and circulating antibodies were found by hemagglutination tests. We report a second case study of asthma induced by nickel sulfate.
Report of a Case A 60-year-old metal polisher with a history of contact dermatitis and recent episodes of shortness of breath was referred to our clinic in April 1980 for further evaluation. His medical history was unremarkable. He had stopped smoking at the age of 33 years. He had no history of allergies and knew of none in his family. The patient had been a metal polisher since the age of 24 years and had contact with gold, brass, and nickel. At 49 years he began polishing bumpers and continued this work until

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