Occupational Asthma Reference

Malo JL, Malo J, Cartier A, Dolovich J, Acute lung reaction due to zinc inhalation, Eur Respir J, 1990;3:111-114,

Keywords: oa, as , alveolitis, zinc, ch, br, IgG-

Known Authors

André Cartier, Hôpital de Sacré Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada André Cartier

Jean-Luc Malo, Hôpital de Sacré Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jean-Luc Malo

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A 27-yr-old man began work at a company that produces concrete pipes in April 1987. The pipes are linked with rings covered with zinc. In September 1987, he was transferred to a new job in the same plant where he had to heat zinc wires and shoot the heated zinc in powder form onto the iron rings. He had no past personal nor family atopic history. Two weeks after he began in his new job, he experienced an episode of chills with muscle aches and dyspnoea at the end of a working day. The fever persisted until the next day, at which time he saw a physician. A chest radiograph revealed diffuse interstitial shadows. He was off work for 10 days. His symptomatology disappeared and his chest radiograph cleared. He went back to work and experienced a similar episode. He remained away from work for one month, after which specific inhalation challenges were performed. On a control day, there were no significant changes in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), or buccal temperature. Two white blood counts (WBC) showed 8,400 and 8,500 white cells. He was exposed to his usual work environment for one hour on two consecutive days. On both occasions, there were significant falls in FEV1 (16% and 20%) and FVC (10% and 11%), occurring 4-6 h after exposure. Buccal temperature reached 38.1 and 38.7 degrees C on the two occasions, and WBC were 17,000 and 15,900 at the end of each day. Precipitins were negative and specific IgG antibodies could not be detected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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