Occupational Asthma Reference

Machado L, Olsson G, Stalenheim G, Zetterstrom O, Dust exposure challenge test as a measure of potential allergenicity and occupational disease risk in handling ispaghula products, Allergy, 1983;38:141-144,

Keywords: oa, as , pharmaceutical, nurse, ispaghula, ch

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It is known that workers in the pharmaceutical industry, and nurses, can become sensitized and develop allergic respiratory symptoms by handling bulk laxatives containing Ispaghula powder. Fifteen individuals allergic to Ispaghula were challenged with a commercially available Ispaghula product and three other products manufactured in a way to make them less dusty. The results show that the use of products with smaller amounts of airborne particles results in a lower incidence of symptoms and thus probably reduces the potential occupational risk of sensitization to the Ispaghula allergen.

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