Occupational Asthma Reference

Viswam D, Trotter S, Burge PS, Walters GI, Respiratory failure caused by lipoid pneumonia from vaping e-cigarettes, Case Reports, 2018;bcr-2018-2:,10.1136/bcr-2018-224350

Keywords: UK, case report, vaping, lipoid pneumonia, histology,

Known Authors

Sherwood Burge, Oasys Sherwood Burge

Gareth Walters, Heartlands Gareth Walters

Darsana Viswam, University Hospitals Birmingham Darsana Viswam

Simon Trotter, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital Simon Trotter

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A young female vaper presented with insidious onset cough, progressive dyspnoea on exertion, fever, night sweats and was in respiratory failure when admitted to hospital. Clinical examination was unremarkable. Haematological tests revealed only thrombocytopenia, which was long standing, and her biochemical and inflammatory markers were normal. Chest radiograph and high-resolution CT showed diffuse ground-glass infiltrates with reticulation. She was initially treated with empirical steroids and there was improvement in her oxygenation, which facilitated further tests. Since the bronchoscopy and high-volume lavage was unyielding, a video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical biopsy was done later and was suggestive of lipoid pneumonia. The only source of lipid was the vegetable glycerine found in e-cigarette (EC). Despite our advice to quit vaping, she continued to use EC with different flavours and there is not much improvement in her clinical and spirometric parameters.

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