Occupational Asthma Reference

Carder M, Bensefa-Colas L, Mattioli S, Noone P, Stikova E, Valenty M, Telle-Lamberton M, A review of occupational disease surveillance systems in Modernet countries, Occup Med, 2015;65:615-625,10.1093/occmed/kqv081

Keywords: Modernet, surveillnce

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To improve occupational health public policies and to facilitate coordinated research within the European Union to reduce the incidence of occupational diseases (ODs), it is important to know what OD surveillance systems exist and how they compare. Monitoring trends in occupational diseases and tracing new and emerging risks in a network (Modernet) participants are well placed to provide this information as most either contribute data to and/or are involved in the management of OD systems.

To identify and describe OD surveillance systems in Modernet countries with the longer-term objective of identifying a core template to be used on a large scale.

A questionnaire sent to Modernet participants, seeking structured information about the OD surveillance system(s) in their country.

Overall 14 countries (70%) provided information for 33 OD systems, among them 11 compensation-based (CB) systems. Six countries provided information for non-CB systems reporting for any type of OD. The other systems reported either only ODs from a prescribed list, or specific diagnoses or diagnostic groups, with reports to most schemes being physician-based. Data collected varied but all systems collected diagnosis, age, gender, date reported and occupation (and/or industry) and most collected information on exposure.

This review provides information beneficial to both policy makers and researchers by identifying data sources useable to measure OD trends in European countries and opening the way to future work, both on trend comparisons within Europe and on the definition of a core template to extend OD surveillance on a larger scale.

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