Asthma in a florist due to Ivy (new cause)

Asthma in a florist due to Ivy (new cause)
Agent Ivy (Hedera helix)
Job Florist
Specific IgE not tested
Lymphocyte proliferation not tested
Skin prick test negative
Patch test positive
Non-specific reactivity 0.08 at work, 0.43 after budesonide
Serial Peak Flow positive, not plotted
Specific Challenge (1/1000) immediate reaction to cutting and tearing ivy
Follow-up not stated


Abstract Available for Occupational asthma to ivy (Hedera helix) Hannu T, Kauppi P, Tuppurainen M, Piirila P, Occupational asthma to ivy (Hedera helix), Allergy, 2008;63:482-483,
Timo Hannu, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma to ivy (Hedera helix)'


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