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Referrals from occupational health services improves the prognosis of occupational asthma

Referrals from occupational health services  improves the prognosis of occupational asthma
This paper followed up workers with confirmed occupational asthma mainly to laboratory animals and baking flour. It showed the benefits of occupational health services that refer those who have failed surveillance for occupational asthma to a specialist unit, as opposed to those who find there way there through other routes. Those referred by occupational health were more likely to be employed one year after diagnosis, were more likely to have been removed from the cause, and have a better quality of life. In addition it confirmed the benefit of early removal from the cause once occupational asthma developed.


Full Text Available for Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma Feary J, Cannon J, Fitzgerald B, Szram J, Scofield S, Cullinan P, Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma , Occup Med, 2020;70:231-234,doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqaa049
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Jo Feary, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma'


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