Vaping causing giant cell interstitial pneumonitis (GIP) |
Giant cell interstitial pneumonitis (GIP) has rather fallen off the list of interstitial lung diseases since the reclassification of "idiopathic" interstitial lung diseases, which includes the smoking-related lung diseases (DIP and RBILD) but excludes GIP, which is thought to be only due to inhaled cobalt, mostly as the binder in hard metal. This is the first report of GIP caused by vaping. The patient had recently worked as a dog trainer, but stopped due to dyspnoea. She had a remote history of smoking cigarettes in her teens and twenties. She had been using a marijuana e-cigarette (ZenPen personal vaporiser) for 6 months. The GIP was diagnosed from a lung biopsy, the cobalt coming from the heating coil of the vaporiser.
Elliott DRF, Shah R, Hess CA, Elicker B, Henry TS, Rule AM, Chen R, Golozar M, Jones KD,
Giant cell interstitial pneumonia secondary to cobalt exposure from e-cigarette use,
Eur Respir J,
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