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Occupational asthma from low level exposure to pure cellulose, implications for the paper and cardboard industries?

Occupational asthma from low level exposure to pure cellulose, implications for the paper and cardboard industries?
This is a detailed report of occupational asthma confirmed by SIC and Oasys PEF analysis with exposure to ozone bleached cellulose at low concentrations. A search for protein contaminants and specific IgE were all negative. Cellulose is a polysaccharide derived from wood, mostly pine species. This case has significant implications for others with occupational asthma from paper and cardboard dust, where symptomatic occupational asthma occurs but a specific cause has not been identified.


Abstract Available for Occupational asthma associated with bleached chlorine-free cellulose dust in a sanitary pad production plant. Knight D, Lopata AL, Nieuwenhuizen N, Jeebhay MF., Occupational asthma associated with bleached chlorine-free cellulose dust in a sanitary pad production plant., Am J Industr Med, 2018;61:952-958,DOI: 10.1002/ajim.22904
Mohammed Jeebhay, Cape Town, an author of 'Occupational asthma associated with bleached chlorine-free cellulose dust in a sanitary pad production plant.'


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