Smartphone app with bar code reader identifies asthmagens in cleaning agents |
Cleaning agents are now common causes of occupational asthma, particularly in health-care workers. For those with sensitisation to specific agents such as quarternary amines, identifying specific times when avoidance is needed is difficult. The authors report an app which can identify asthmagens in real time, which should help avoid exposures in sensitised workers. The database needs to keep up with new products. The general availability of this this app would be welcome to help keep sensitised workers working.
Quinot C, Amsellem-Dubourget S, Temam S, Sevin E, Barreto C, Tackin A, Félicité J, Siroux SLV, Girard R, Descatha A, Moual NL, Dumas O,
Development of a bar code-based exposure assessment method to evaluate occupational exposure to disinfectants and cleaning products: a pilot study,
Occup Environ Med,
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