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Enzyme allergy with negative IgE to native enzyme caused by genetic modification

Enzyme allergy with negative IgE to native enzyme caused by genetic modification
Genetically modified enzymes are now present in a wide range of industries and cause sensitisation which often shows little cross-reactivity with the native enzyme, so can be missed unless the genetically modified enzyme is used to testing. Food, beverage, detergent, perfume, pharmaceutical, textile and chemical industries are increasingly using enzymes in biotechnological processes for the synthesis of volatile and non-volatile chemical compounds contributing, among others, to the fragrance, taste and ?avour of products.


Full Text Available for Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study Budnik LT, Scheer E, Burge PS, Baur X, Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study, Occup Environ Med, 2017;74:39-45,10.1136/oemed-2015-103442
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study' Xaver Baur, Institute of occupational medicine, Hamburg, an author of 'Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study'


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