Indian rope plant, new cause of occupational asthma and rhinitis |
3 horticultural workers growing Indian rope Plants (Hoya compacta) developed occupational rhinitis, one also had asthma following a nasal challenge, which was positive in all three. This is something different from the Hoya in Japanese literature
Sherson D, Nielsen AD, Mortz CG, Vestergaard L, Brandt LPA, Jørs E, Bælum J,
Occupational rhinoconjunctivitis caused by the common indoor plant, Hoya compacta,
Occup Med,
Ohtsuka T, Tsuboi S, Katsutani T, Jyo T, Kuwahara M, Kodomari Y, Tanemori N, Satoh H, Ono K, Oka S,
Results of 29-year study of hoya (sea-squirt) asthma in Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima prefecture.,
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