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Further evidence of the dangers of sprayed disinfectants

Further evidence of the dangers of sprayed disinfectants
Disinfectant sprays at home were associated with an increased risk of new-onset (incident) asthma in 19-24 year-old young people from Dresden and Munich (Odds Ratio 2.79, 95% CI 1.14-6.83). The risk for other sprays was less clear. there was no association between current asthma and cleaning sprays. Disinfectant sprays included sprays for hand washing and surface cleaning. This study provides further evidence that biocidal sorays are a cause of asthma, including in the domestic setting.


Abstract Available for Association of household cleaning agents and disinfectants with asthma in young German adults. Weinmann T, Gerlich J, Heinrich S, Nowak D, Mutius EV, Vogelberg C, Genuneit J, Lanzinger S, Al-Khadra S, Lohse T, Motoc I, Walter V, Radon K., Association of household cleaning agents and disinfectants with asthma in young German adults., Occup Environ Med, 2017;74:652-658,10.1136/oemed-2016-104086
Dennis Nowak, Institute fur Arbeits, Munich, an author of 'Association of household cleaning agents and disinfectants with asthma in young German adults.' Katja Radon, Ludwig Maximillian University, Munich, an author of 'Association of household cleaning agents and disinfectants with asthma in young German adults.' Erika von Mutius, Helmholtz Center Munich, an author of 'Association of household cleaning agents and disinfectants with asthma in young German adults.'


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