Skin prick tests with natural rubber latex more sensitive than specific IgE |
Follow up of sensitised workers with natural rubber latex allergy showed declining levels of specific IgE when exposure ceased. Higher levels at follow-up were found when there were cross-reacting food allergens and when the initial reaction was systemic.
The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the latex-specific IgE serology was 54% and 87.5%, respectively, in comparison with NAL skin tests. The addition of rHev b 5 to the ImmunoCAP® (enhanced latex) allergosorbent altered the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the ImmunoCAP® to 77% and 75%, respectively.
Smith AM, Amin HS, Biagini RE, Hamilton RG, Arif SAM, Yeang HY, Bernstein DI,
Percutaneous reactivity to natural rubber latex proteins persists in health-care workers following avoidance of natural rubber latex,
Clin Exp Allergy,
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