Hairdressers at increased risk of allergy to neuromuscular blockers during anaesthesia |
Allergy and anaphylaxis to neuromuscular blocking agents during anaesthesia often occurs with the first anaesthetic suggesting that sensitisation to cross-reacting allergens preceeds surgery. The paper provides an explanation showing cross-reaction between neuromucular blocking agents and quaternary ammonium compounds in hairdressers. IgE antibodies to quaternary ammonium compounds were present in 7.4% of hairdressers at the end of a 2 year apprenticeship compared with 1.6% of baking apprentices and 1.6 % of retail apprentices. The quarternary ammonium compounds were present in a wide range of shampoos and hair conditioners used by the hairdressers.
Dong S, Acouetey DS, Guéant-Rodriguez R-M, Zmirou-Navier D, Rémen T, Blanca M, Mertes PM, Guéant J-L,
Prevalence of IgE against neuromuscular blocking agents in hairdressers and bakers,
Clin Exp Allergy,
I was exposed to chemical at GM and have multiple lung diseases and neuromuscular disease. I take over 20 meds. I seen dr Michael Harbut in Royal Oak Mi but due to illness he had to retire. I've been looking for a occupational lung doctor. My illness is extremely complicated.
Thank you
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