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Obliterative bronchiolitis in boat builders laying up fibreglass (new cause)

Obliterative bronchiolitis in boat builders laying up fibreglass (new cause)
Six workers with obliterative bronchiolitis laying up fibreglass with styrene resins containg phthalates are described. 4/6 required lung transplants or died after fairly short exposures without obvious acute exposure events. The precise cause has not been established, but fibreglass itself was thought to be unlikely. Please look our for others.


Abstract Available for Obliterative bronchiolitis in fibreglass workers: a new occupational disease? Cullinan P, McGavin CR, Kreiss K, Nicholson AG, Maher TM, Howell T, Banks J, Newman Taylor AJ, Chen C-H, Tsai P-J, Shih T-S, Burge PS, Obliterative bronchiolitis in fibreglass workers: a new occupational disease?, Occup Environ Med, 2013;70:357-359,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Obliterative bronchiolitis in fibreglass workers: a new occupational disease?' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Obliterative bronchiolitis in fibreglass workers: a new occupational disease?' Kay Kreiss, NIOSH, Morgantown USA, an author of 'Obliterative bronchiolitis in fibreglass workers: a new occupational disease?' Tony Newman Taylor, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Obliterative bronchiolitis in fibreglass workers: a new occupational disease?'


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