Depression and anxiety common in workers 2 years after occupational asthma diagnosed |
There was a significant improvement in airway responsiveness and inflammation from diagnosis to the present assessment. Sputum eosinophils 2% and neutrophils >60% were present in eight (20%) and 12 (30%) out of all subjects, respectively, one or the other feature being the only abnormalities in 15% of subjects. Quality of life was moderately affected and there was a prevalence of depression and anxiety close to 50%
Yacoub M-R, Lavoie K, Lacoste G, Daigle S, L’Archevêque J, Ghezzo H, Lemière C,Malo J-L,
Assessment of impairment/disability due to occupational asthma through a multidimensional approach,
Eur Respir J,
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