MidTECH Innovation Awards 2010

This annual competition is organised by MidTECH, to identify and reward innovative individuals and teams, and to promote innovations which have the potential to lead to improvements in healthcare for patients.
The "Oasys Internet Database" was a finalist for this award. There was a lot of interest in our funding solution, which is to give the program away for free and to take a cut from meters which automatically download into the program.
British Thoracic Society Silver Jubilee Award 2007

The Oasys program won the BTS Silver Jubilee Award for "Innovation in the secondary respiratory care setting in the lung function laboratory" from the British Thoracic Society on December 4 2007. The award ceremony took place during the presidents reception at the Winter Meeting
BUPA Health at Work Award 1999

The BUPA Foundation Awards are made annually to recognise excellence in medical research and healthcare. The six categories are – patient safety, clinical excellence, communication, epidemiology, medical research and health at work.
Oasys wins the BUPA Foundation Health at Work Award 1999
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