Oasys Website Move

Oasys Website Move
We have made some changes to the Oasys Server to avoid firewall problems when using the Oasys program. This required some technical behind the scene changes with our web hosts. This should have been a relatively straight forward process, but it did not go smoothly, for various reasons. This resulted in the website being offline for a few days at the end of March. More distressingly the Oasys Server was down for 4 or 5 days. At this point we decided to move to a different web hosting company, who were much more helpful and as a result the Oasys Server was back online again relatively quickly. We are very sorry about the inconvenience this will have caused. Now that we are with a more professional web hosting company this should not happen again.

The "URL of the Oasys Server" has changed as a result of this move. We are about to add new versions of Oasys to the website which will default to using the new value. In the meantime please see https://www.occupationalasthma.com/occupational_asthma_pageview.aspx?id=4458 for details. We tried to have both the URLs working (the old and the new) to enable a smooth transition for existing users. As a result of the problems that we had we weren't able to do this. Again, apologies for the inconvenience.

The upside of all this is that firewalls should no longer be a problem for Oasys, and that speed and uptime will be improved.


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