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Oasys is a finalist at the MidTECH Innovation Awards 2010

Oasys is a finalist at the MidTECH Innovation Awards 2010

This annual competition is organised by MidTECH, to identify and reward innovative individuals and teams, and to promote innovations which have the potential to lead to improvements in healthcare for patients.

The "Oasys Internet Database" was shortlisted for the award but unfortunately did not win. The presenter said that we were all winners though, so that was nice.

Oasys Team at the MidTECH Awards 2010MidTECH Award Ceremony 2010

There was a lot of interest in our funding solution, which we summarise as follows.
Oasys has teamed up with 2 meter manufacturers, Clement Clarke and Vitalograph, to provide automatic downloading of data into the program. As manual data entry takes around 30 minutes this gives the meters a competitive advantage and Oasys receives a portion of the sale price.

This funding solution allows us to give Oasys away for free, which will be especially important in developing countries.

Meters that download automatically provide a cost saving for the NHS and any other companies / organisations in developed countries, while still allowing Oasys to receive income and the meter manufacturers to turn a profit.

The meter manufacturers will use their advertising and marketing muscle to promote their new Oasys compatible meters. This will increase awareness of occupational asthma and Oasys, improving the rate of diagnosis.
The picture below is the poster that we presented at the awards ceremony. You can click to download the full size version.

Oasys poster at the MidTECH Award Ceremony 2010

Click to view the Awards page on the MidTECH website


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