Importing Patient Details

The best way to share records with co workers is to share your patient details file, please see the link below for more information.

Sharing / Transporting your Patient Details

Sometimes you may wish to share records by email, for example colleagues in other hospitals may email you a patient details file. The records in this file may have been anonymised and / or made read only so that you cannot modify them. You can merge these records with your own by importing patient details.

To start click on "Tools - Import Patient Details" from the main menu. A new window will appear. A wizard will guide you through the steps involved, as described below.

Step 1 - Choose file to import

Choose the name of the file to import and click "Next". 

If there is a problem opening this file or opening your existing patient details file you will be shown a message so that you can correct the problem.

Step 2 - Record Conflicts

If there is nothing displayed on this step simply click "Next" to move on.

Records listed here already exist in your patient details file and are different in the file you are importing. Your current values are shown in brackets after the values from the file to import. A padlock symbol is shown if this record will be read only when you import it.

This step only checks if the record details are different, patient names are checked in the next step. The patient names shown here will always be from your existing patient details file to make recognition easier. The workplace, height, start date, end date and patient are replaced when importing. The start date and end date will correct themselves if necessary next time the record is saved.

Tick the records that you would like the importing file to overwrite and click "Next" to continue.

Step 3 - Patient Conflicts

If there is nothing displayed on this step simply click "Next" to complete the import.

Patients listed here already exist in your patient details file and are different in the file you are importing. Your current values are shown in brackets after the values from the file to import. A padlock symbol is shown if this record will be read only when you import it.

The patient ID, name, DOB, height, race and sex are replaced when importing.

Tick the patients that you would like the importing file to overwrite and click "Next" to import the patient details file.


Once the importing has completed a summary of all the records and patients imported is displayed. Padlock symbols are shown if the record / patient is read only.

Click "Finish" when done.


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