Analysing the Oasys Report

The Oasys report has 5 sections, the daily graph, graphs by time of day, graphs by time from waking, shift trend graphs and the conclusions. Please see The Oasys Report section from the Oasys help pages for more detailed information.

Daily Graph

The daily graph shows the maximum, mean and minimum reading for each day. The readings can be linearised if using non linear Mini-Wright meters. The data can be interpreted into "pseudo" days (reccommended) to improve tha analysis. More information on interpretation is given in the Oasys program description section.

The plot shows:

  • Diurnal variation (in the top panel)
  • Predicted value (horizontal dashed line)
  • Daily maximum reading (blue line)
  • Daily mean reading (black line)
  • Daily minimum reading (red line)
  • Working shift (Background, white - rest day, blue diagonals - day shift etc)
  • Excluded days, the data is shown in the graph so the user can check the validity of excluding the days, it is not used in the analysis (Grey Backround)
  • Oasys complex score (Number in a horizontal line, circular markers)
  • Start and End Date of "Pseudo" day (Legend)
  • Number of readings (Legend)
  • Number of hours worked, colour coded by job / location (Legend)
  • Indicators to show if there is a waking reading, if a waking reading has been created (part of interpreting "pseudo" days), if there is a comment and if the day has been excluded.

The current selection (shown as a dotted rectangle on the graph) can be used to choose a section of days to comment on and optionally exclude. The panel on the right shows data calculated using only the selected range and the panel on the bottom shows any comments within the range.

Holding the mouse over a day will display summary information including waking reading, waking time, working shift, comments, exclusions and interpretation details.

This record clearly shows deterioration during the working week with substantial improvement on holidays and at weekends. There are two good days at work, which could hold a clue to the cause of disease.

Time of Day

The "Time of Day" graphs show the average day away from work and the average day at work (separated for each shift and for each job / location). Readings are meaned over each 2 hour period. The plot shows the days away from work (blue line) showing a stable peak flow and an average day shift shift (red line) showing an afternoon trough with following improvement. The error bars show 1 standard error of the mean at each point.

The shaded areas show the minimum, mode and maximum times of starting and stopping work. The dark grey areas show the minimum and maximum times. The black lines show the mode times. In this example the patient always starts and ends work at the same time (7am and 7pm respectively).

The legend shows the time periods used to average the readings, the number of rest / work readings in each period and the area imbetween the two graphs for each period and as a total. 

These graphs are repeated for each type of shift that the patient works and for each job / work location.

Time from waking

The "Time From Waking" graphs are a similar format to the "Time Of Day" graphs. The readings are meaned for each 2 hour period after waking up. This can remove bias for patients that usually wake up later at weekends. The graphs are repeated for shift and job / work location.

Shift Trends

The "Shift Trends" graph shows the mean daily peak flow for the first and second days away from work (light grey background) the first 5 days at work (dark grey background) with a repeat of the first three days away from work at the end of the graph. More or less days at and away from work are shown depending on the available data. These graphs are repeated for each type of shift.

There is an equivalent daily deterioration in this record.


The "Conclusions" section of the Oasys report shows demographics, quality and Oasys scores. The demographics include the type of meter used, the workplace, the predicted value, a list of the treatments, a list of suspected causative agents and how the patient was instructed.

Oasys has research based quality criteria and a statement is shown stating whether these criteria have been met, along with reason for failure if applicable. The software plots a regression line through the daily means and reports the slope of this line. There is no evidence as yet to show what level of slope is acceptable / unacceptable. A statement detailing the readings outside the acceptable range is shown, along with what the acceptable range is. This defaults to the 95% confidence interval but can be set manually. Number preference graphs are shown for the 1's and 10's digits and Oasys shows a warning if it suspects fabrication (evidenced from the 1's digit when using logging meters) or if it thinks the patient has been rounding to the nearest 25 or 50. A table showing the aggregate diurnal variations separated by shift is displayed.

The scores section shows any opinions entered by users, the Oasys-2 score and the Wasif score (mean work reading - the mean rest reading). The Oasys-2 score is shown for the entire record and for the most positive part of a record that meets quality criteria. This can help to pick out intermittent effects in long records. The Wasif score is still being validated.

Screen shot of the Conclusions for the Oasys 2 program


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