Oasys Audit Patient Data

Oasys Audit Patient Data
To enter / view the clinical and audit data for a patient click on "View - Oasys Audit Patient Data". If you already have a record open a new window will open with a list of tabs across the top for the various sections for the current patient.

We are entering this data for all patients that we investigate for occupational asthma. The Oasys Audit Patient Report goes in the first page of the patient's notes and whenever the patient comes in to clinic the printout is updated with any new information. This paper copy is then entered into Oasys by the administrative staff and an updated report printed out for the notes.

This audit information is combined for all users of Oasys and goes into an annual report which can be seen on the Shield section of this website. No individual results will be shown and nobody will be identifiable from the report. Any information you enter will help us to track the incidence of occupational asthma and the methods of diagnosis. It will also link in with regional occupational asthma surveillance schemes such as Shield. If you run a regional scheme please get in touch so that we can talk to you about it.

We will soon be adding a summary audit report tool to Oasys for you to use. This will show how well you are adhering to the guidelines and is for your use only - we will not be looking at it. It can be used to evidence service quality.

If you do not have any records open a new window will open showing all the patients from your patient details file (shown below). Simply double click on a patient (or single click on the patient and then click "View Details")  to see the details for that patient. You can also add a patient by clicking on the "New Patient" button. If you start typing a patient name or ID Oasys will go to the next matching patient.

Patient Details

The patient details can be changed from the Audit form. They are not sent to or stored on the Oasys Server, and are only presented here for your convenience.

Clinical Information

At presentation we recommend to ask the patient whether they have pre existing asthma, whether they smoke, the approximate date they were first exposed to the suspected agent at work and whether they feel better on weekends and holidays. Please record this information here. If the day or the month of the date is not known please enter "01". For example if exposure started some time in 2005 enter "01/01/2005".

If you have checked to see if the patient is Atopic please record this here.

Any methacholine / histamine results at work or away from work (for at least a week) can also be entered. These can be particularly useful when using the records for research so we would appreciate it if you can fill them in when known.

We report the number of patients where the diagnosis of occupational asthma is more likely than not, so please fill this in if you can. If you wish to notify the patient to a regional scheme then please fill in the Region. We are encouraging this as the main method of notification to the Shield scheme in the West Midlands, UK. We have also made contact with ONAP (France) and will be sending them any relevant data. If you run another surveillance scheme please get in touch so that we can talk to you about it.

Audit Information

The British Thoracic Society occupational asthma guidelines recommend collecting; a full occupational history; FEV1/FVC; Serial measurements of spirometry (Oasys Records) and Specific IgE tests to relevant occupational allergens). It also recommends giving the patient advice on employment and compensation.

You can record at which visit these things were done for audit purposes.

Workplace Information

Click on the "Workplace" tab for data about the workplace, including jobs and exposures. This information is stored on the Oasys Server so please do not enter any details that would identify an individual. This is not likely but there could be occasions where a job / agent is so rare that it is only used by a handful of people.

Please enter the workplace where the patient first noticed symptoms of occupational asthma. Any workplaces already entered in serial peak flow records can be selected from the drop down list to save time.

Please add the jobs, if any have already been entered in serial peak flow records you can click on "Add Existing" to fill these in automatically.

Please add the causative / sensitising agents, if any have already been entered in serial peak flow records you can click on "Add Existing" to fill these in automatically.

Example screenshot


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