More on Nitrogen trichloride, this time in slaughter houses rather than swimming pools |
Nitrogen trichloride air measurements in cleaning and disinfection workers in slaughter houses are similar to levels in poorly ventilated chlorinated indoor swimming pools. A statistically significant concentration-response relationship was found between eye, nasal, and throat symptoms of irritation—but not chronic respiratory symptoms—and exposure levels or exposure duration. No relation was found between BHR and exposure. If sensitisation occured cumulative exposure would not necessarily relate to outcomes such as asthma. Some workers were also exposed to glutaraldehyde and quarternary amines.
Massin N, Hecht G, Ambroise D, Héry M, Toamain JP, Hubert G, Dorotte M,Bianchi B,
Respiratory symptoms and bronchial responsiveness among cleaning and disinfecting workers in the food industry
Occup Environ Med,
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