Metalworking fluid HP with no mycobacteria

Metalworking fluid HP with no mycobacteria
Aerosols from metalworking fluid have caused many outbreaks of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, some with heavily microbial contaminated aerosols and some heavily treated with biocides. The precise antigen for each outbreak remains elusive. Some believe that mycobacteria are a common cause, this paper reports an outbreak in Slovakia which was one of those showing no mycobacteria. This study identifies precipitating antibodies to many bacteria and some fungae, but none meet the requirements for causation. Control depends on preventing inhalation of metalworking fluid aerosols.


Abstract Available for Machine operator’s lung outbreak due to Eikenella corrodens Perecinský S, Murínová L, Tomcová J, Polanová M, Legáth L, Machine operator’s lung outbreak due to Eikenella corrodens, Occup Med, 2022;72:522-526,


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