The prognosis after acute irritant-induced asthma is worse than after sensitiser-induced occupational asthma |
This is the best study of outcome from acute or recurrent irritant exposures at work. The outcome after 6-8 months was worse than with sensitiser-induced occupational asthma, with more treatment and more exacerbations. Those with single and repeated large exposures had similar outcomes. At follow-up 46% were in their original jobs, 16% in modified jobs, 10% unemployed, 19% off sick and 9% with other outcomes.
The identified exposures were mixtures (18), Acids and alkalis (25)Inorganic gasses (6), endotoxin (4) and oxidisers (2)
Lantto J, Suojalehto H, Karvala K, Remes J, Soini S, Suuronen K, Lindström I,
Clinical Characteristics of Irritant-Induced Occupational Asthma,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract,
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