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Asthmatic symptoms much more common than sensitisation in apprentice bakers

Asthmatic symptoms much more common than sensitisation in apprentice bakers
A longitudinal study of apprentice bakers in Denmark showed that chest tightness, wheezing and cough increased in the first 20 months of exposure to reach over 20%. This was unrelated to the development of sensitisation to wheat or alpha amylase which also occurred in other apprentices. Many only diagnose bakers asthma when both work-related asthma and sensitisation to a bakery antigen occurs in the same worker. The current study questions the "allergic march" theory (exposure - sensitisation - rhinitis - asthma). Whether those with new asthmatic symptoms actually have asthma, and their prognosis, awaits  a further study.


Full Text Available for The incidence of respiratory symptoms and sensitisation in baker apprentices Skjold T, Dahl R, Juhl B, Sigsgaard T, The incidence of respiratory symptoms and sensitisation in baker apprentices, Eur Respir J, 2008;32:452-459,
Torben Sigsgaard, University of Aarhus, an author of 'The incidence of respiratory symptoms and sensitisation in baker apprentices' Ronald Dahl, Aarhus University, an author of 'The incidence of respiratory symptoms and sensitisation in baker apprentices'


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