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Chlorhexidine is an effective antimicrobial agent commonly used in UK hospitals, for skin decontamination (hand cleaning) and for cleaning surfaces.

Chlorhexidine has been widely reported to cause IgE-mediated allergic reactions (from urticaria and angioedema to anaphylaxis) among patients undergoing surgery/invasive procedures.

Only 1 case report of occupational asthma in two patients to Chlorhexidine and Alcohol Aerosols at the time of writing, both with positive specific inhalation challenges.

Skin prick and Specific IgE testing possible.

References for: Chlorhexidine See published papers on "Chlorhexidine" from this website.
Haz-Map information on: Chlorhexidine See information on "Chlorhexidine" from the HazMap (Information on Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational Diseases) website.

Oasys Notifications for Chlorhexidine

The Oasys Audit scheme started midway through 2010 and collects agents typed in through the Oasys program. The years before 2010 show old data entered during 2010 or later and are likely to have many fewer notifications. We expect Oasys to become more widely adopted as time goes by so increasing notifications does not necessarily mean an increasing problem.

Occupational asthma notifications to the Oasys Audit Scheme for Chlorhexidine

Selected References for Chlorhexidine

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma in nurses due to chlorhexidine and alcohol aerosols Waclawski ER, McAlpine LG, Thomson NC, Occupational asthma in nurses due to chlorhexidine and alcohol aerosols, Br Med J, 1989;298:929-930,

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