
Super Categories



Known Synonyms

This table is from a case report of one patient.


Aescin (mixture of saponins from Aesculus hippocastanum, horse chestnut)

Job pharmaceutical manufacture worker with 20 year latent interval
Specific IgE not done
Skin prick test not done
Non-specific reactivity Methacholine PC20 1mg/ml; 6 months after exposure control 6mg/ml
Serial Peak Flow positive
 Induced sputum not done
Specific Challenge 

Pronlonged immediate/late asthmatic reaction to 5g aescin mixed with 150g lactose tipped for 5 minutes with negative lactose and plantago control


asymptomatic 6 months after relocation away from exposure

References for: Aescin See published papers on "Aescin" from this website.

Selected References for Aescin

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma related to aescin inhalation Munoz X, Culebras M, Cruz MJ, Morell F, Occupational asthma related to aescin inhalation, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2006;96:494-496,
Maria Jesus Cruz, Barcelona, an author of 'Occupational asthma related to aescin inhalation' Xavier Munoz, Barcelona, an author of 'Occupational asthma related to aescin inhalation' Ferran Morell, Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, an author of 'Occupational asthma related to aescin inhalation'

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