i have been using cyanacrylate glues for 2 years making lampshades. i have never ever suffered with asthma and after a couple of months working with the glue i started being ill. my doctor gave me an inhaler and when the illness got worse he referred me to a respiratory consultant. the consultant now wants me to have second opinion as he thinks it is occupational asthma and wants to prove it. am i able to make a claim for compensation from my employer? i have recently left that job
KopferschmitKubler MC, Stenger R, Blaumeiser M, Eveilleau C, Bessot JC, Pauli G,
Asthma, rhinitis and urticaria following occupational exposure to cyanoacrylate glues [French],
Rev Mal Respir,
Lozewicz S, Davison AG, Hopkirk A, Burge PS, Boldy DA, Riordan JF, McGivern DV, Platts BW, Davies D, Newman Taylor AJ,
Occupational asthma due to methyl methacrylate and cyanoacrylates,