Occupational asthma from clean, cold processed chicken
Does anyone know if there is a link between occupational asthma and working with clean, cold processed chicken (no feathers, or evisera, just clean, dry, cold skin).
I'm not going to be much help, I hope others can answer. It depends on whether the skin is cooked or not. If cooked then chicken protein antigens are likely to be degraded otherwise if uncooked chicken proteins will be present. It then depends on wheter they can be inhaled. Sometimes skin is ground up to make "product" which is refashioned to make something that looks more like chicken meat. The grinding process could liberate inhalable chicken antigens, a possible but not well recognised cause of asthma. Keeping the place clean may entail the use of biocides. I have seen occupational asthma in a chicken processing plant due to benzalkonium chloride used in hot water to hose the room down.
Please let us know what you have found and any more details of the situation.
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