Inhaling Isocyanates from 2-pack paint

Any information/experience on effects of inhaling Isocyanates from 2-pack paint?

Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Isocyanates are the commonest cause of occupational asthma in our clinic, and in many countries. Spray painters using two pack paints have the highest risk of occupational asthma. Two pack paints used to use HDI (the most volatile) or TDI (slightly less volatile). They have been largely replaced by isocyanate prepolymers (or polyisocyanates). These are of larger molecular weight and are not listed as isocyanates in some data sheets. In my experience they still result in occupational asthma when inhaled. Much spray painting is done in well constructed spray booths with operators wearing externally fed air masks. The problems arise when a newly sprayed item is taken straight out of the spray booth, when isocyanate exposure may occur, when the sprayer lifts the visor to get a better look at the paint job, or when touching up is done outside the spray booth.

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