Is anything being done to improve individual outcome once OA is confirmed ?
I have been diagnosed with OA and have had to leave my previous job. My employer followed all the HSE guidelines, the OH dept did their job, everyone followed due process. But I still ended up having to leave my job as no reasonable adjustment could be found to enable me to keep working. I now have generalised hypersensitivity. The Industrial Injury benefit pays me less per month than I used to earn in a day. The disability advisor at the local JobCentre told me that they could offer me no retraining, I was effectively unemployable due to the generalised hypersensitivity, and had I thought about starting my own business! From reading through the website, it seems that this outcome is not that uncommon on an individual basis. I have had a deal of sympathy from all concerned but sympathy doesn't pay the bills!
Medical retirement is sometimes the best outcome if alternative same level employment is not available with your original employer. In the UK this should augment your occupational pension and allow unemployment pay straight away, instead of waiting for months if you resign.
Once occupational asthma develops (or in childhood asthma), not specific triggers often provoke asthma. Cold air, exercise, car fumes, perfumes and respiratory infections are all common. This does not mean that asthmatics have generalised chemical hypersensitivity. This is a dangerous term as it implies that you have to live in an air-conditioned bubble for the rest of your life, and any employer or rehabilitation officer will be unkeen to offer you much. Most workers with occupational asthma who are able to live at home can also do a useful job. Job centre disability advisers are under instruction to be more helpful. I suggest you try there again if you want retraining, and to get a firm diagnosis from a specialist as to what you must avoid in future employment.
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