Cut off values for hourly plots in Oasys
In follow up to my previous question on the cut-points for the area between the time of day and time from waking graphs that are sugestive of a work-related pattern, do these values pertain to PEF data only, or are the cut-points you have established valid for FEV1 data?
A much simpler answer this time
We have no reliable data on serial FEV1 plots in workers with independently validated diagnoses. We had lots of problems with the early logging meters with their reliability/accuracy. We have used a few expensive meters and not got them back. We are now working with the Ferraris Piko-1 meter which seems to provide accurate measurement of FEV1 (you can buy about 740 for the price of one Easy-one in the UK). Validated FEV1 diagnostics are likely to be 2-3 years away
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