Using Oasys

I think I have managed to get the graph and report working but I have come accross a few glitches (e.g. In the graph there are 6 days with 'w' in the comments which I understand to mean that some timings are not in the correct order. I think the place to correct these is after you have pressed 'interpret' and the blue, red and black lines appear to section off parts of the input data, but I have failed to work out what these mean (or what the buttons do that appear on the left) or what I should do to correct them {probably because the part of the website that explains this is for the newer version). I also can't print the graph in a useful format despite changing the margins etc., but that is not too much of a problem as can see it on screen.
Oasys, Specialist, 5/18/2007, 5/21/2007,

The 'w' in the graph means that there is no waking reading for the day. Oasys is keen on waking readings as they are usually the lowest of the day and have an important effect. If there isn't one for a day that Oasys will copy one from a nearby day. A waking reading is one within 90 minutes of waking up (in the same box or the next one). You don't really need to worry about this.

The blue, red and black lines are highly confusing. It is theoritically possible to change the interpretation by dragging these lines around but I don't reccomend it. If you press the interpret button and the funny lines appear then everything is ok and there is nothing to worry about. If they do not appear and you get a message then some of the evens (w, s, e, b) are in the wrong order. The ones that are wrong become capitalised (W, S, E, B) so that they can be seen more easily.

The graph always prints out at the same scale. This is on purpose and the idea is that it helps the user (changes are always the same size so big and small changes are easily spotted).

I think that Prof Burge will upload them on his return next week. I think that a link with your name will be included on the home page and from any papers you have published.

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