Bakery worker

My husband has worked in a bakery for 15 years. For the last two weeks he has been coughing up blood and blood clots. I took him to the er then to a pulmonary specialist and he had xrays, the doctor has scheduled a cat scan for tomorrow. I really would like more information on this illness. The symptoms are significantly less when he isn't working and the Dr has him off work for the next two weeks.
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 12/11/2006, 12/15/2006,

Coughing up blood is not a common symptom of bakers asthma and suggests another cause. Bakers are more likely to get occupational ashma or rhinitis due to an allergy to the flour or the enzymes added as dough improvers (particularly amylase), but coughing up blood is not part of these diseases

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